Children's Development in the new Normal

This pandemic has affected grown ups in bigger way. Children with age of 4 months to 6 years needs frequent nature touch for faster development of thier brains. Due to current pandemic, they are allowed to be inside the rooms which is affecting their development. The guardians are busy in other priorities to work upon and mobile phones acting as keeping children busy so as to avoids any disturbances,

When we look at children, in particular, the areas they will express themselves, the people they will communicate with and the ways of communication are restricted. Numerous options such as going to school, spending time at gardens or parks with friends, going for a walk, hugging, playing games have been firstly restricted for hygiene and then in the form of home quarantine,

Your children needs your much attention during this pandemic and now parents have to realise that a year need not to be wasted.
1) Short Stories: Grandparents stories now are as endangered as tiger in India. Those light stories spoken by grandparents gave lot of learning while parents are too busy. It also gives emotional touch to the children 

2) Phyical activity: Spending lot of time on TV, smart phones and video games, prevents physical development of human body. also It impacts much on child's eyes and brain. Make sure of thier timetable includes some phyical exercise or Yoga activities at home. There are lots of phyiscal exercise machines on purchase for better physical activities.

3) Safe outing: Take out your children in colony garden for short time which is not too crowdy make sure his/her safety, keep this activity on routine basis atleast twice in a week.

4) Learning Tasks: Involve your children with some activities, which are productive for your children, identify thier learning skilss through engaging them in reading, writing, paintings, counting, music 

By creating a fast and natural routine of the new situation that emerged during the quarantine, the child should be offered a perception of a safe environment. When planning these routines, it would be more appropriate to construct an order that is sustainable, responding to the needs of the child, making you feel safe


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